Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Screw Canada. I Want To Go To Mexico!

This, of course, is a momentary longing, and it will pass. But within the course of 12 hours, I wanted to go to Mexico very much not once, but twice.

First, Kathy & I watched Y Tu Mama Tambien on DVD. It’s a terrific movie, and the centerpiece is a series of scenes on a gorgeous Mexican beach they’ve named “Heaven’s Mouth.” I really wanted to go there. I also wanted to be seventeen again, and get all the parts I got right, wrong, and vice-versa. It’s a mighty good movie.

Then, walking along to work this morning, I happened upon a truck that said “Mexico” on the side, parked on 5th Avenue. It was a big truck, and over the lettering was a large picture window – one on either side, it turned out. Apparently the cargo bay was heated, because inside it, visible to any passersby shivering in the chilly morning air, were three models in bathing suits, lounging on beach chairs. There was sand on the floor, and it looked for all the world like a little piece of transportable beach. Complete with a guy in trunks and two girls in bikinis. Relaxin’.

Yeah, Mexico looked good last night. This morning, it looked like a mirage.



Greg! said...

Yeah, good movie. I guess I'm not quite as vulnerable to the lure of Mexico, but it IS a good movie.

Now that you've seen "Y Tu Mama Tambien," remember it when you watch Alfonso Curna's next movie, coming out on DVD later this month.
That movie is, of course, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." There are some slightly twisted in-joke references. Or at least I was seeing some slightly twisted in-joke references. Maybe it was just me.


P.S. -- But I defy you to deny the analogy in Harry's playing with his wand under the covers in the movie's first scene. Yes, I defy you.

Rob S. said...

Hey, when Harry, Hermione, and the Redheaded kid whose name I can't remember face something scary on the crest of a hill, they reach for each others' hands, right? Was the motion of that shot lifted from Y Tu Mama?


Greg! said...

Yeah. I think that Harry/Hermione/Ron hand clasp was a direct lift.