Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Butcher Alert!

In the comments to my previous post about Allan Melvin, Travis points out that IMDB is unreliable for cast credits of older TV shows. He's right. According to the Canonical Brady Bunch Episode Guide, Sam actually appeared in eight episodes. That's out of 117. Very few, overall, but he was very much a presence. Maybe he could've been in more if he weren't so busy being a double agent. (Luckily the Mayberry Sheriff's Department caught him in time.)Isn't the Internet wonderful?

ALMOST IMMEDIATE UPDATE: I just realized the Beetle Bailey video Mark Evanier posted the other day is from the series featuring Allan Melvin as the voice of Sgt. Snorkel. (This might be his voice gruffly saying "Beetle Baily!" at the very end of the theme song. TRIPLE agent!


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