Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Pencils Down in 30 Days...

We're bound to be hearing a lot about the upcoming, nigh-inevitable writer's strike in Hollywood. Mark Evanier provides a look at what's happening in the pre-show. Think of him as Joan Rivers on the Red Carpet, except without him inspiring that urge to kill.



Sharon GR said...

Sorta off the subject, but why are we spelunking these days?

Rob S. said...

It's to tell the Cave Creatures we're comin' for 'em.

Actually, I noticed that I could add an image to my header, and this image was handy (it's cropped from one of the wallpapers I use at work). A few experiments later, and voila! Header art!

I'll be changing it every now and then as the mood strikes me.

Sharon GR said...

For chrissake, don't WARN the Cave Creatures!

Rob S. said...

If we don't warn the Cave Creatures, we become as bad as they are., with their crude paintings and their sightless albino fish.