Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tales of the No-Gun Kid

So on Saturday, I sliced into the tip of my index finger on my left hand. Not too bad, though it still throbs a little as it's healing.

Late last night, while obsessively peeling blue masking tape from the walls and floors of our guest room, I managed to jab a splinter deep under the nail of my right index finger. Kathy got the splinter out, but it's still kinda painful to use. I'm doing the typist equivalent of limping right now, using my middle fingers more than I ought to, because it hurts when I type.

It. Hurts. When. I. Type.

So here I am, looking at gun gear right and left, and I can't even make finger guns. Shootin' down the walls of heartache? Click, click.



Sharon GR said...


Andrew said...

Ouch. As a survivor of a home improvement related thumb injury, I sympathize.