Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Quote of the week

Bill Murray, on parenting (he has six sons, ages 3 to 22):

"It's my favorite gig, but it's a little early to say how I've done. You know, John Hinckley's folks thought they were doing an okay job at one point too."

Got that one from last week's Time magazine, which has a really nice article on Murray.


1 comment:

Andrew said...

That's a good quote. It's my favorite gig too, though I've definitely got it easier than Sharon. I think we have the same fear sometimes - in what way are we screwing them up? Have we just taught Emily why it's important to keep up with cleaning her room? Or will it be a story she relates in 20 years to her therapist? Or will it be a blog entry like this from Jeri?