Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It just hit me.

I’m four years older than Bill Hicks was when he died. I better get moving.



Jeri said...

He's the only comedian I've ever seen in a small club. I didn't know he died. Fuck. I loved that guy.

Thanks for the link. Think I'll make a Bill Hicks Quote-A-Day Calendar for myself for Christmas.

Rob S. said...

You saw him live? I'm jealous. I've got one of his albums, but by the time I learned who he was, he was long gone.

Jeri said...

I think it was 1991. I can't remember what made me think, "We gotta see this guy"--if I'd seen him on TV, or if someone I knew had free tickets. I was still smoking then, and he was such a wonderful validator. Sigh...

Jeri said...

BTW, I became momentarily depressed once when I was 27 and realized I would never be a wunderkind. I got over it in about five seconds, once I also realized that I hadn't really tried very hard or been pressured to succeed by anyone, which explains my consistently healthy mental state.

Rob S. said...

For me it was 29. I suddenly realized I was the same age as the comics always said Superman was, and I couldn't lift a battleship over my head.