Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Our Hideous Economy

Stepping out of Penn Station today, I couldn't help notice a guy wearing a big sign that said "Women and Children Sample Sale 35% to 70% Off".

Good grief. Sample all the women you want, pal, but leave the children out of it.



bastard central said...

but rob,

children DO stay crispy in milk, and are part of a complete breakfast

Rob S. said...

There is only one genome worth of difference between frosted flakes and scabs from skinned knees -- but that genome is SUGAR!

bastard central said...

mommy mommy, why am i running around in circles.

shut up or i'll nail your other foot to the floor

Jeri said...

In a recent taste test involving such samples, Safeway shoppers preferred store brand women and children to the nationally recognized brands.