Thursday, August 21, 2008

Old Dog

Thirty-eight is too goddamn old to be learning how to drive.



Travis said...

Welcome to the 21st century grandpa!

I kid, I kid.

Ami Angelwings said...

No it's not :o They recently passed a motion and upped the age where you're too old to learn how to drive to 42, so you just made it! :D

jill from GA said...

well at least you don't have the additional embarrassment of sharing the same state as the rednecks who sold a frozen monkey suit as a bigfoot!

Rob S. said...

Heck, my hat's off to them for selling it. The embarrassment is in *buying* it..

Trav: The 21st century has automatic transmissions, my friend! I'm surprised Kathy's car doesn't have a crank engine.

Ami: I dunno -- I think learning to drive is properly done when you're young enough not to be completely aware of the consequences of an accident. All I see on the road are people and cars I'll be lucky not to hit. But it's honestly going okay; starting from first is my only real problem. Lu-URCH!

Greg! said...

Ah, Grasshopper.
When you can start from a dead stop facing upward on that hill between the Red Lobster and the Home Depot in Clifton Heights, without stalling or rolling back into the car behind you, then you will be ready to leave the Temple.

Hey, at least you won't need to lift a searing hot cauldron with your forearms.

Rob S. said...

THAT hill?

Better the cauldron, sensei.