Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Regarding the Previous Post

In my haste to publish, there's one thing I forgot to add to my last post:

"Boo hoo. Poor me, I'm going on vacation. Again."

Gotta keep things in perspective.



MarkSullivan said...

It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

Ami Angelwings said...

When are you going to take a vacation to Toronto? >:O

Rob S. said...

We've got some friends in Brockport -- maybe the next time we go up to see them we'll make a side-trip. But one thing's for sure -- we're pretty much out of vacation days for a while.

But it'd be great to get up there and see you! I've always wanted to see Toronto.

Ami Angelwings said...

You should! It's a nice city! :D