Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Imperial March

Okay, I was going to write something about my thoughts on the war, and what will come from it, which was extremely depressing, and believe me, you would have found it depressing too. But instead, I just brought Kathy down with it. Sucks for her, but you get to be happy for another day.

Instead, I’ll talk about my morning radio experience. I was listening to this piece about film restoration, and how there’s no decent original print of Star Wars because so many prints were made from it. While they talked about this, they played the Darth Vader music: Dum, dum, dum, dum Da-dum, dum Da-dum…

… and I thought of Dick Cheney.

And not even in the context of a comparison to Darth Vader. That’s already too internalized. It was like they were playing Dick Cheney’s theme, which made me think of Darth Vader, if that makes any sense.

So I guess they’ve even ruined Star Wars for me. At least, the part that George Lucas hadn’t already.



Dave said...

Hi Rob! Hope this image cheers you & others up:


Do not despair regarding the SW Trilogy on DVD... unofficially, you can get the Definitive Trilogy on DVD-R. It was mastered from laserdiscs. I own a set, and they are great. Lucas gets NO money from me until the original Trilogy is released on DVD.

Read more here:


Rob S. said...

Thanks for the link, Dave.