Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Mom Is My Peanut Gallery

So last night, I'm on the phone with my mom. She asks how my week's been going so far, and I mention that I worked from home on Monday to write my column.

She says, "You have a column?" I guess I never mentioned it, but it came with the managing editor job.

"Yeah, Mom, it's a business advice column."

"Oh. Is that why the stock market's going down?"

That's as good a theory as any, I suppose.

(And by the way: 1500 posts! Zowie!)


Ami Angelwings said...

It depends on how many readers you have I guess. XD How many readers DO you have? And do any have the last name Greenspan? XD

Greg! said...

You have a column?
A business advice column?

Sharon GR said...

I love your mom. Always have.