Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In Which My Dirty Mind Wanders

So I've been looking at scientific journal citations for eight days straight, and it's starting to take the color out of the world. And, as all the articles I'm dealing with are in the same field -- neurology -- I've been recognizing the same names for quite some time now.

So, as I see a familiar scientist listed as the author of yet another article, with many of the same people he or she has worked with in the past, but in a different order, with a few new names thrown in for good measure, I do what anyone would do:

I pretend they're all having sex with each other.

The history (dare I say the annals?) of neurological pathology and experimentation has some of the kinkiest partner-swappers the world has ever seen. In my mind, the citations read like this:

North, P., Jameson, J. Jeremy, R. Giovanni, A., and Lee, H. 1992. Repeated exposure of pizza girl and pool boy to latex, baby oil, and various syrups available at the International House of Pancakes: A study in endurance and stimulation. The Secret Journal of a Horny Housewife, Vivid: 69-L7.

You should see the abstracts.



Richard Kirk said...


I was checking out your blog and was wondering if you
would be interested in doing a link exchange.

I run an Atlantic City related site called
and would love to do a link swap with you back and forth.

Check out my site and let me know if you are interested! Thanks


Rob S. said...

Sure, Richard... I don't see why not!

Nicole Maynard said...

I just love how you think : )

L. Chippendale said...

Hee-hee. If only I'd thought of that when I was working in the boring world of science journals. Now that you're in the world of journals, you might enjoy this:, assuming you don't already know about it. I remember once seeing an article entitled "The correlation between tornados and trailer parks." Good stuff.