Thursday, March 03, 2005

Internet Switchboard

There are a few interesting conversations and items going on at some blogs that I (and quite likely, you) frequent, but in case you're not going there, I thought I'd direct you.

Mark at the Roost is hosting an interesting conversation about when it's okay to tell parents to control their kids. I don't have kids, but I have to admit I'm clicking rather regularly to see whether anyone else has commented. It's nice to have something else to discuss other than politics now and then -- and something reasonable people can disagree on is even better.

Jeri, Seething in the Wilderness, is listing the 44 things she'd do if she were president. She's up to #7; here's the first. (#6 is my favorite.)

And Rob at has brought up a number of good things, including podcasting (which is not only the New Cool Thing but is either a seed or a symptom of how the Internet can change the world--probably both), efforts to allow the FCC to censor cable TV & satellite radio, and the possibility that linking to a campaign's web site violates the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. This last one could be an attempt to turn people against Mc-F, but it's worth knowing about just the same.

Rob (a linkin' fool)

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