Thursday, January 19, 2006

Did You Know?

There have been six handless mutant-retard winners of the Great American Danceapalooza since its inception in 1962. All but one, Mary Ellen Krupthoffer, danced the jitterbug. (Krupthoffer frugged.)



Greg! said...

"Krupthoffer frugged."

Just reading those two words salvaged a large hunk of my otherwise wretched day.

It'll join the ranks of beautifully concise statements, somewhere between "Jesus wept" and "Exit, persued by a Bear."

Greg! said...

Oh, God. I misspelled "pursued."

I gotta get away from those Sunshine posts...

Rob S. said...

I've read that Peter Gabriel titled his fourth album "So" because he "liked the shape of the word." I feel the same way about "(Krupthoffer frugged.)"