Friday, February 10, 2006

Didn't change a goddamn word

Okay. Here’s the goddamn deal.

I’ve been drinking since like 7:15. It’s now 4:30 in the morning (almost) and nothing but gin and tonic has passed my lips (aside from a delicious goddamn meal at Fix and one screwdriver mistakenly poured for me. And while I may post this at 8 or so in the morning, I’m writing it at 4:30 and am not changing a gorram word. (Yes, sometimes I think in Firefly. Deal.)

Had wonderful, comped food from Jim’s cousin. I can’t articulate how good it was. Kobe beef. $65 a plate. Knock your feet off good. This is at the Bellagio.

Next, drinks at Caramel. Also comped. Got drunker there.

Then, Light, an awesome nightclub. Were comped two bottles of liquor – gin and vodka. Most people drank vodka. Up to me and Jim the bastard to drink gin. Oh, gin.

Did not finish bottle of G. JtB left at about the halfway point, about 2 hours ago. Eventually, just me and JtB’s friend, Johnny Airplanes, still there. Stayed til about 4. Left the club. Hit the head before cab ride. Propositioned by two hookers (from a team of three). Really nice looking. Let ‘em dangle, walked on. (The line between virtue, stupidity and plain old cheapness is blurry.) Took a cab to Hilton. Blogged instead of sleeping. I’m a goddamn idiot.



Sharon GR said...

How's your head today? Pounding like a base drum?

Rob S. said...

I was in slow motion all day, but my head was fine. Last night was pretty early and more fueled by caffiene and sugar than booze -- putting me in good shape for tonight.

Jonny Airplanes said...

but i costs $300 to party with me.

Rob S. said...

Jonny! Yer on!