Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oh, I Got Rage

I don’t know why the story I linked to below got me so upset: it’s just another slimy ad. But it’s been a few hours since I’ve seen it, and I’m still angry. It’s honestly ruined my day, and I shouldn’t let it get to me like that.

(I have cut so many phrases out of this post in an effort to seem calmer than I am.)



Greg! said...

I just read that story, but I'm not rewriting here, so I'm not going to sound one bit calmer than I am.

It's shit like this -- and the effectiveness of shit like this -- that sometimes makes me think universal sufferage may not be so great an idea after all.

I'm not actually saying that there ought to be a test you have to pass in order to be qualified to vote. Although naturalized citizens must pass a test that the rest of us get to skip simply because we were born here. I'm just sayin'.

I'm not saying that anyone should be denied their vote simply because they're not capable of making a responsible decision. I am saying that a lot of people who do vote are incapable of making a rational decision about how they cast their votes.

That's just the way it is.

It's one of the tragic beauties of democracy is that everyone has a right to vote.

Greg! said...

And I just realized that my comment focussed way too much on the poor slobs who fall for this sort of viciously manipulative campaigning rather than on the tactics themselves.

My anger is with the tactics and those who use them. My frustration is with the fact that such tactics sometimes work.

That's why I should rewrite.

Rob S. said...

I think he's wasted his money, frankly. No one's gonna bite.

But it still gets me mad, just the same.