Monday, February 21, 2005


For one of my many meals today (I'm supposed to eat six small'uns thanx to Body For Life), I decided to stir-fry some of my leftovers from Korean barbecue the other night. Pretty much what was left over was entirely octopus or squid, with a single lone scallop to remind me what normal seafood looked like.

As I dumped the tentacles into the the skillet and they started to sizzle, I couldn't help but think how strange it looked. It's one thing to eat this food in the psychological safety of a restaurant, where professionals are telling you (by implication) that this or that is edible. It's quite another to see tentacles the size of my pinky bouncing around in sizzling canola oil. I felt like a conehead cooking his dinner. Beer and styrofoam insulation, anyone?

After a few minutes, I added a little Korean stir-fry sauce we had in the fridge -- just a few drops to coat it. They started sizzling like crazy, and I soon took them off the range.

And then I ate them. And you know what? They were damn good leftovers, my initial squeamishness be damned.


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