Sunday, February 20, 2005

Various Updates...

I've shaved my head again. This will make it easier for me to join the Olympic diving team. It's never really been a dream of mine, but I figure, what the hell, my head's shaved. Might as well go for it.

Kathy and I bought a new fridge. It arrives Wednesday. I'm aquiver with excitement, what with the ice maker and the water dispenser and the keeping milk fresh over a long weekend, none of which our current fridge can do. No more slimy lunchmeat!

Of course, every fridge has risks. Kathy and I -- despite numerous warnings -- bought our refrigerator from Sears. Dave and Marilyn had a horrible experience with Sears delivering a fridge to them. This is chronicled on their blog, I think, but I can't find where.

Today is house day! After a visit to the gym, Kathy and I are going to spend the day working on the guest-room-to-be or installing a water line to be hooked up to the fridge. Expect accomplishments aplenty in this exciting episode!



Andrew said...

Just so you know, Sharon and I had bad experiences with Sears when we got our fridge and our stove.

And you've seriously crossed over to homeowner status when you're all aquiver over a new appliance.

Rob S. said...

Hey, it's a fridge. It'll keep food we can it. It's a big improvement over what is essentially a cool, dark cabinet.

PapaGoose said...

I remember standing outside, staring at our new central air unit and thinking, "Why am I so excited about a hunk of metal?" and "Why am I standing outside?"