Saturday, April 30, 2005

I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but...

Superman is a dick.




Rob S. said...

These covers? Yeah. Truth, Justice, and Dicking Over His Friends.

Thanks, Man of Steel!

Chris A. said...

For those so inclined, the site which appears to have spawned this -- the splendidly named -- is well worth the first few minutes you spend perusing. (I can't say for sure if it's well worth the hours you could potentially lose sinking into its absurd depths.) And if nothing else, it proves that Lois and Jimmy were no slouches in the dicking-over department. (This reminds me of both Jerry Seinfeld's well-documented Superman obsession, and the dynamic of his sitcom... which could well have been inspired by any number of the treasures in the "Stupid Comic Covers" section.)