Friday, April 08, 2005

You Know You Want It

This might be the best news site ever -- it doesn't publish anything itself (so far as I can tell) -- but what great links!

Down at the bottom is its raisin d' ezra:

Sploid is a news site with a tabloid mentality -- top stories up top, played big, as fast as they break. If there's a political line, it's anarcho-capitalist: sniffing out hypocrisy and absurdity, whether from salon left or religious right.

Sounds good to me. 'Course, I'm always up for anarcho-anyoldthing.


1 comment:

Andrew said...

The "Shift Change Memo" appears to be theirs. It's worth a read. It seems to implay that the site is really three or four people surfing news all day, finding stuff to add. All the more reason to go there. Thanks for the tip.

P.S. Blogger seems to be back in service. Looks like you got burned by it to, what with the double post.