Thursday, September 29, 2005

Serenity Now!

Thanks to an offer from Josh at Talking Points Memo, Kathy & I had a chance to see a preview of Joss Whedon's Serenity tonight.

I was floored.

This is good stuff. I don't say it as a fan of Firefly, the show it's based on; I've only seen one episode. But this was flat-out great. I don't want to say too much about it -- there's plenty to surprise you and get your pulse racing. But unlike a lot of action/adventure movies, there actually feels like there's something at stake. And unlike the staid SF of Star Trek, the people actually act like people, instead of uniforms with people in them. This is an awesomely entertaining movie, and you'll do yourself a favor if you don't read any reviews more detailed than that. Just go see it.

(Man, that Firefly DVD set is going to start flying off the shelves this Friday...)


1 comment:

Greg! said...

Good stuff, indeed. And I do say that as a fan of Firefly.

Actually, as a fan of the show (thank heaven for DVDs), I have a lot I could be saying in praise and astonishment. I was a little floored myself. But Rob's right -- seek out no more details. Just see the gorram movie.

Go. Now.
