Monday, November 26, 2007

Taking 20

(In which, try as I might, I somehow can't avoid sounding like a Wonder Years voiceover.)

Class reunions are the type of event that tend to call up unreasonable feelings of dread in people. I mentioned I was going to my twentieth high school reunion last week, and my co-workers generally told me to have fun and wished me luck. I think the luck remark comes mainly because I am old, and most of them are amazed that I can make it to work and back without breaking a hip.

But “good luck” is also code for “try to have a good time, you sorry, sorry, sad, sorry fool, walking blithely into the jaws of death, embarrassment, and lingering teenageism.” A lotta folks didn’t have a good time in high school, I guess.

I dunno. Looking back, I think I navigated those years pretty well. They weren’t my wild years—those were either college, post-college, or somewhere ahead of me, once I shave a few seconds off these bank-heist time tests—but I sure as hell had fun, and managed to sidestep any lasting mistakes. And I made a bunch of good friends that stuck with me, most of whom I was lucky enough to see at the reunion.

Problem is, I didn’t see nearly enough of them that night, since there were so many other people to see that I’d lost touch with in the interim. At the outset, four hours seemed like a decent period of time – but I could’ve gone longer. There was enough time for brief catch-ups, and no time for hanging out. And then, WHAM! The lights were up, and we were blinking our eyes and hauling our drunken asses out the door and hopefully into a passenger seat.

It was great to see my regular buddies, but man, was it good to see all those familiar faces, not looking as old as I’d feared. I heard this line in a play once, and try to live by it: “Friends are great, but to lead a truly interesting life, you must have strangers.” Even so – it’s really nice to see in those strangers the faces of old friends.


Note: None of this could have happened without the tireless efforts and enthusiasm of Debbie, Laurel and Bill. Thanks for putting this on, guys -- it was fantastic!


Alexandra Kitty said...

Reunions can be a blast. Sometimes you reconnect with people, and other times they can change you -- and remind you of who you were and what your original goals in life were.

I am thrilled that you had a great time!

christianready said...


Was great seeing you again but then again, since we're already best friends, I guess we see each other from time to time anyway, don't we?

I agree 100% - I didn't view my reunion with any dread at all - once you asked me if I was going that is. After that, I was looking forward to it and had a wonderful time.

We're only as old as we feel, and man I don't feel old at all!

Rob S. said...

We don't see each other nearly often enough, though. Hafta do something about that. If you're not moving outta Md., and I'm staying in Jersey -- there's only one option. We have to destroy Delaware.

Greg! said...

Ah, yet another reason to destroy Delaware.

Tax-free shopping can only delay the inevitable for so long...