Monday, February 11, 2008

Holy Crap.

We're still a week away, and we've already got 52 Yesses for our Tardy Gras party next weekend. 52 people in our house, with more certainly to come. February 16th: The Day Our House Sank to the Center of the Earth.

I hope we have enough beads for the Morlocks.



Don said...

You know what would REALLY make a mardi gras party? If the POLICE show up. And with 52 people, that's a real possibility.

Rob S. said...

Actually, what would make a Mardi Gras party would be if the police stay.

Nicole Maynard said...

By the way, we're traveling with our 2 dogs, hermit crab, & fish...just kidding.

Anonymous said...

What?! You're leaving Fighter Jet home? Oh, man. We were counting on Beta poppers.

Kathy S.