Monday, February 18, 2008

In Which the Gauntlet Is Thrown

A short conversation from deep into last night's Tardy Gras festivities:

ANDY: I saw this movie Helvetica streaming on Netflix. Half of it is people saying Helvetica is this great, universal font, and the other half is people saying [in French accent] "Helvetica is shit. It is like McDonalds."
SHANNON: This is a whole movie about a font?

ME: Yeah, I've been meaning to see it.
SHANNON: Anyone who thinks that long about fonts should get a sock in the eye.

ME: You oughta meet my art director.

SHANNON: Is he the one who left with the shiner?

So fair warning, Bastard: I know a belly dancer who wants to punch you in the eye.



bastard central said...

first off: if the bastard had a nickel for every pointless self indulgent film about something, he'd be the rich.

secondly: film is definately the wrong medium to discuss it

thirdly: helvetica IS a boring font who's day has come and gone. everyone uses interstate now.

fourthly: she actually WATCHED the whole damn film. now the bastard has to ask you...hwo REALLY deserves the sock in the eye, typographers (people who think about fonts that long)? or the belly dancer who sat through that shit show.

fifthly: i wouldn't have the shiner. i learned this little trick called "ducking"


Rob S. said...

About point #4: She didn't watch it; she couldn't believe anyone would. It was Andy who watched it.

And I might wind up watching it too, eventually. Which might earn me a punch in the eye from both of ya.

Andy said...

I must clarify a few things:

1) Butter

2) The accent was Swedish, Danish and German (combined)

3)I think she wanted to punch anyone who watched the movie.

4) I love this Nick Cave song

bastard central said...

with these new facts brought to light then:

firstly: fried stuff with cheese

secondly: i could totally see anyone from scandanavia having a lengthy opinion on a font. COME ONE, it's dark there like 10 months out of the year.

thirdly: that said, since andy saw the film, did he get socked?

fourthly: i am currently very happy with the way things are going in the current volume of ex machina

Rob S. said...

No socking for Andy, but the conversation quickly moved on to Tom Waits and then Nick Cave, and I fucking LOVE this song!

InGenius Festival - Voices from the Writers' Forum said...

Ok, so this post reminded me of a link you send (I think it was you) AGES ago of this film with interviews with these know, the letter "i," the letter "e," and I'm pretty sure that was about a font too. Do you remember it?

In trying to find it, I did find this:

Rob S. said...

Now that you mention it, I remember that link you sent -- and it was a riot. That Trajan link is might fine, too. Thanks.