Friday, February 08, 2008

Stop Making Scents

Do you know that smell outside of Cinnabon? Where you can be walking through the mall, and be three stores down from the place, and still, even there, is that enticing smell that can draw you closer and closer until you're scarfing down a plateful of delicious dough and sugar that you regret eating halfway through? But oh, that smell. That wonderful smell.

Well, the smell from the men's room at the Big Show I was just at was the exact opposite of that. I've smelled better porta-potties. In fact, I think I could say that every porta-potty I've ever been in has smelled better than this awful corridor of stink. It smelled like shit people were eating shit just so they could shit it out again.



Jinxo56 said...

You have a way with words. I don't think I am going to eat for a week. (If I had a smilie option here you would see a wink.)

bastard central said...

the worst part is, when i got back to the office, the bathrooms smelled like the lobby of the venetian.

Rob S. said...

The most horrifying thing about this story is that I've left out the most hideous part.

Sharon GR said...


This was a very good post.
