Thursday, September 08, 2005

Operation CYA

The Repugs see "this whole hurricane thing" as just another image problem for their beloved chimp of a president. So naturally, steps are being taken to keep the truth away from the voters. Steps like keeping reporters away from rescue efforts, as Josh Marshall details.

And stuff like avoiding an independent investigation like the 9/11 committee in favor of a Republican-run one.

It's the usual Republican fuckery, only more urgent now, as their feet seem to finally be held to the fire. Hide the bodies, hide the mistakes, cover up and whitewash and hope everyone forgets.

It's all a result of the negligence on the part of our leaders. People should have been evacuated sooner. FEMA should have responded more quickly. The President shouldn't have gutted the funds New Orleans needed to keep itself safe. Time and time again, the chimp and his handlers have swept mistake after mistake under the rug. He's a hideous president. He's a god-awful embarassment. I am ashamed that our country elected him, and hope to god that nothing else this bad happens on his watch.

Because he's not equipped to handle it in any way, shape or form.

I can't convey how angry I am, and how let down I feel by the whole electoral process that would let this ape become president. Better we let the cast of Survivor decide than the American people. Better we leave it to chance, a big game of keno with 100 people picked at random from all walks of life. Better we get an infant, because at least a baby will cry when he shits himself. Better we pick our leaders with pie-eating contests or spelling bees or mumblety-peg. Better we all hang ourselves, and whoever dies last gets America.

Better no one than him.



bastard central said...

didn't clinton get in on a pie eating......oh that;s just in poor taste. oh well back to sleep for me

Anonymous said...

Gore didn't "appear" to win in 2000, Bush "appeared" to winn. And here we go again with the Clinton/sex thing. How lame can you get. Bastard Central, how many people died when Clinton lied?


bastard central said...

relax tiger. rob said it was okay for me to make fun. besides, plenty of folks died during various and sundry bombings in iraq under clinton during the lewinsky scandal (i believe michael moore dropped science on that one in bowling for columbine), the cole bombing, somalia, bosnia, an aspirin factory in the sudan. and of course there IS the theory that has been put forth that he was a liar.

rob brings one thing to task in which i agree with him on (along with our monumental agreement on the west side of manhattan not needing a stadium), this country's best and brightest don't want to be president. for some reason they don't. who was our last truly great president? it sure as hell wasn't clinton. i don't think we have had an infallible president since perhaps lincoln. i don't know what to tell you cecila but i can say this, i felt the need to make some fun. take it easy

bastard central said...

dammit! all this pie talk is makin me hungry rob!

Rob S. said...

I could go for some strawberry rhubarb m'self.

Fair's fair: I called Bush an ape, I can't begrudge Bastard for calling Clinton a hound. Even if it IS completely beside the point.

But actually, my point is isn't about my dissappointment with Bush. That ship has sailed long ago. It's really just my complete and utter disillusionment with the electorate as a whole. Why can't we wake up and smell the stink on this guy? Or (given his staggeringly low 40% approval ratings right now) why couldn't we smell him in time to do some good and kick his ass out of office?

Greg! said...

If anyone's obsessed with manipulating appearances in a direction 180 degrees away from reality, it's the GOP.

We have never had an infallible President. Period.
Our last truly great President was Jimmy Carter.

Cherry pie for me. And a big mug of joe.

Rob's question dogs me into despair. Majority rule is a bad thing when the majority are fools and willfull idiots.