Thursday, September 04, 2008

Armed and Regular

So, being back on the Weight Watchers horse means more fruit in my diet. I borrowed a knife to cut up my nectarine today. And working where work, well... what a knife if is.

This deadly looking knife cuts through nectarines like, well, a deadly knife through a nectarine.

Our freelance proofreader walked over at the time, and said, "Jesus, is everyone in this place armed to the teeth?"



Ami Angelwings said...

fruit is great :D esp with cottage cheese or plain yogurt :)

Rob S. said...

Y'know, it's been *years* since I've tried cottage cheese. I remember thinking it was awful, but I've got different expectations (and different tastes) now than I did when I was in college. I should look into that.

Now plain yogurt, I love.

Ami Angelwings said...

I LOVE cottage cheese. XD I use fat free cottage cheese :] it goes well with so much (a little natural peanut butter and cottage cheese is a great mix too, as is cottage cheese and tuna) :D You can use it to substitute cheese in a lot of stuff.. it goes great in salads and on sandwiches :D