Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sorry, Right Number

I left my phone on the train. It fell out of my pocket, and headed south.

So when I got home, I called it. And thankfully, someone picked up.

This person did not speak English. And try as I might to get him to hand the phone to someone who I could communicate with (I recognized a few words in Spanish in what he was saying, and used what little Spanish I could muster, although now I realize I was saying "Please say my telephone to someone who speaks English" instead of "please give my telephone"), he seemed either unable to understand me or just unwilling to hand my phone over to anyone else. Hey, free phone.

Crapshacks. I think I have to get a new phone.



Rob S. said...

I just said screw it, suspended my coverage and bought a better one. So I can look forward to reentering everyone's number soon!

Jeff said...

Ouch. So close, yet so far away! At least you got a better phone out of the deal.

Travis said...

That is a pretty mundane dream for you, Rob. Oh, wait...

Putting in the numbers will be a beating, but maybe you can cull some useless one out.

A few years ago I lost mine, and the people who found it went WAY out of their way to get it back to me. They just called everyone on my phone until they found someone who could get a hold of me. Really sweet of them.