Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Careless Whispers of a Good Friend

Hear what Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan are saying behind Sarah Palin's back... but into a live mic.



Andy said...

Murphy was the same jack ass that said that the Clintons would vote for McCain.

I think the "base" is eating her up. The "pros" are scratching their heads and saying "OMG WTF?"

I just watched Mitt and am convinced that Pat Buchanan was touching himself during the speech.

Rob S. said...




bastard central said...

noonan explains her side of the story here. i mean for what it's worth, there are two sides to the story.

Rob S. said...

Thanks, Bastard. I read that last night, and meant to get a link up to it this morning. It reads pretty much like standard-issue CYA to me, but your mileage may vary.

bastard central said...

i've been reading noonan for years and yes, she writes prose. she used to write for reagan but, i've looked at her for quite some time and

she's not some smug cheap shotter.

she's someone who believes in the party and she believes in what goldwater wanted.

now it ain't necessarily what the bastard believes but if she's anything, she's fucking earnest and if that's a CYA, then that's up to you and yours.

i just think she got punked.

Rob S. said...

Fair enough.

I tend to believe her explanation for "it's over." That sounds fairly plausible to me.

The Hutchison thing I find a bit harder to swallow, but you know her writing and I don't. Would that have been something she'd had brought up just as her party was rolling out a new face? Especially one that was *already* under fire for being inexperienced?

And, of course, she never really gets into the notion that she said Palin's not experienced, when the campaign is shouting to the hills that she knows the foreign policy of the tundra, or whatever it is they're trying to pass the laugh test with.

bastard central said...

still and all i think she was less about explaining palin's qualifications as she was discussing the context of said media foible.

don't think i didn't catch you trying to stay on the sarah=inexperienced talking point