Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fanboy Myopia Throwdown

Copyright of the Superman material in Action Comics #1 has reverted to the heirs of one of Superman's creators, Jerry Siegel.

Naturally, fanboys at Blog@Newsarama want to congratulate the family on regaining some measure of profit from the creation of the superhero -- heck, the genre -- that has given them so much joy.

Oh, wait, this is Newsarama. They go apeshit: "Greedy families, how dare they? Superman is DC's! Superman is ours! Waah, waah, waah."

Get a grip. There'll be an exchange of money, and it'll be business as usual. This is a good thing for creators, and a good thing for Superman. It's not particularly good for Time Warner, but they won't be washing windshield on a corner anytime soon.



Ami Angelwings said...

omg ppl were actually mad at the "greedy families"?!?

It always shocks me when ppl defend a giant corporation against the "greed" of other ppl :\

Like when the WWF (World Wildlife Federation) successfully won the WWF name from the World Wrestling Federation, and all the WWE fans exploded and talked about the GREEDY non profit organization attacking the poor defenseless mega entertainment corporation. xD

Jeff said...

Love the comment about Time Warner not washing windshields any time soon. So true. And HOW is this going to affect those fanboys in the LEAST?

Jinxo56 said...

People never cease to amaze me with attitudes like that.
I think it is great that the Siegel family has succeeded. To me the entire background of the Superman saga has been one of the greatest injustices of all time. I hope the Shuster family wins their case as well.