Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hoo-Rah for Illness!

Stopped into a meeting today. Dropped 1.8 pounds in the last two weeks. That's the empty weight of this US GI-issue tactical load-bearing vest, although who knows how much it would weigh if it contained enough pixels for a decent resolution. But in these last weeks, I've enjoyed Thai food, turkey-stuffing leftover sandwiches, a street-vendor hotdog with mustard and relish, and, just yesterday, copious amounts of peanut butter and a late-night bowl of ice cream (for the sore throat, naturally). And—oh yes—several of your Christmas cookies. So I can only chalk this up to a little bit o' sick, and generally having internalized some decent eating habits. Which is good news, any way ya wanna slice it.

Also: I finally flipped the odometer, with my weight going into another range of tens. Meaning I lose a daily point per week. Now that I'm back on the horse, I oughta take that seriously. (shudder)


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