Thursday, December 06, 2007

What an asshole.

"Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom....Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone." - Mitt Romney

Seriously, Mr. Romney:




Will Staples said...

Speaking as a Massachusetts liberal, I despise Mitt Romney from the bottom of my soul with every fiber of my being.

Will Staples said...

Or as I prefer to call him, "the Mittwit."

Ami Angelwings said...

Did saying idiotic easily quotable things somehow become a mandatory thing for ppl seeking office now since George W. Bush got elected? XD I know they've always done it, but it just seems like now these candidates are TRYING to make a bushism when they talk xD

Ami Angelwings said...

Oh and Mr. Romney, what about all those middle eastern countries you hate so much? They have religion, and no freedom!

Oh wait, I forgot, they dun have the CORRECT religion! I see >_>

honestly, you can have freedom without religion (i.e. ppl believe in w/e they want, not some ebil government body saying "NO RELIGION" like in communist china, b/c THAT in itself becomes a religion). you can have freedom WITH religion. :) But you can't have freedom with ONLY religion (i.e. nothing but THAT PARTICULAR RELIGION GOVERNED BY THE SMALL CIRCLE OF PPL IN CHARGE OF THAT RELIGION IS ACCEPTED).


Greg! said...

Neither requires the other. There's not a molecule of rational thought in Romney's assertion.

Ideally, they go together in mutual support, but I'm 99 44/100 % certain that's not at all what Romney's talking about. Indeed, I suspect he'd find the realities of that ideal pretty threatening.

I'd point out that they can also perish together.

If starving, both will try to feed on the other.