Thursday, April 17, 2008

Read. Or Else.

I saw a bumper sticker today:

Keep Austin Reading.

Since I live in New Jersey, I'm not accustomed to local bumper stickers from Texas. So my first thought was:

Who's Austin? And what happens if he stops?

It's not reading for its own sake. The object is to keep the kid distracted and entertained. Which led me to amend the bumper sticker to:

Keep Austin Reading. And For Christ's Sake, Keep Him Away From The Matches.



Jeff said...

"Keep Austin Weird" is a saying that is on a lot of bumper stickers and stuff down there. It's my understanding that Austin is by far the most bohemian town in Texas.

I'm sure it's a play on that saying, most likely relating to building literacy?

Rob S. said...

That was my impression too. I saw a lot of "Keep Austin Weird" bumper stickers and teeshirts when I did a Google image search to see if I could find the "Keep Austin Reading" bumper sticker to illustrate this post.