Saturday, March 11, 2006

Classic Comics

I remember being bowled over by the scene in the comic V for Vendetta (can'twaitforthemoviecan'twaitcan'twait!) where V tells Evey that the signature bar from Beethoven's Fifth (roman numeral: V) Symphony (da-da-da-DUMMMMM) is also the morse code symbol for the letter V: (dot-dot-dot-DASH). It stuck with me ever since as one of those cool little details in life.

But there's a new connection between classical music and comics. I read over at Eric Reynolds' Fantagraphics Blog that Deutsche Grammophon is releasing new "best-of" style CD compilations featuring cover art by indy comics artists such as Peter Bagge, Richard Sala and R. Sikoryak. As Eric links, so shall I: you can read more about 'em here, and buy them (for $6.99!) here.


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