Monday, March 27, 2006


I just came back from lunch and had a brief conversation with Jim the Bastard. He said, “Guess what I’ve discovered?”

I took a stab at it. “Fudgetricity?”

No, as it turns out. But Jim filled me in on two taste treats he enjoyed for lunch, including Thai-flavored potato chips (flavored similarly to traditional Thai cooking, I assume, and not by some sort of extract of the Thai nationals themselves). He also extolled the virtues of the green salsa at the burrito counter down the street.

Just the same, I can’t help but feel a twinge of regret that the secret of fudgetricity is still beyond our reach.



bastard central said...

actually the chips tasted kind of like a really spicy version of the old school wise barbecue variety (before everyone invented their own frikking bbq flavor) with a healthy smattering of thai sweet basil sprinkled on for a thai-tastic flavor. these are now my favorite chips and i will seek them out whever they live.

as for fudgetricity, it wil have to wait for when we as a people are ready for it.

Rob S. said...

Don't try to hold back progress, my friend, or you'll be pushed under the fudgy wheels of history.

Chips sound yummy though.

bastard central said...

as opposed to the fudgey wheels of history which sounds kind of gross

Rob S. said...

Perhaps the fugly wheels of history! You get run over by the fugly wheel, that tire track lasts your whole life.