Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Crime and Punishment

Atrios posts an interesting exchange from an old Hardball, in which Chris Matthews corners then-PA Senate candidate Pat Toomey (who was running to the right of Arlen Specter in the 2004 Repug primary) about his views on abortion. Specifically, he tried to get Toomey to say what the punishement should be for an abortion if it's banned. Read the whole weaselly exchange.

If abortion is murder (which most pro-lifers believe), then it would follow that the doctor should be charged with murder, and the woman for, at the very least, conspiracy to commit murder. Although I think if you hire a hitman -- essentially what she'd be doing under a ban based on the idea that fetuses are human beings -- you get charged with murder, the same as if you'd pulled the trigger.

Conservatives won't say that -- none but the far-fringe whackjobs, at least. It's the underpinning of what they believe, but it's so far out of line with what any sensible person can accept that any support for their argument would fall apart.


(Edited to place the conversation in its proper context.)


Jeri said...

Now THAT'S some frickin' hardball!

Didn't Specter just get reelected to the Senate in '04? I thought Santorum's seat was the open one this time around.

Rob S. said...

You know, I think you're right. (a little searchin'later...) You're defintely right. And it turns out that this exchange is from the April 16, 2004 edition of ardball, when Toomey was facing off against Specter. I'm gonna change my post to reflect what should have been blindingly obvious to me. (In my defense, it was just before lunchtime, when time is doubly an illusion.)

Jeri said...

Whew! I thought maybe the far-right had found a way to make Specter run again. Wouldn't put it past them.